My 6 Steps to Healthy Vegan Kids

Find out:
🍀Why you're feeling so confused about all the nutrition information out there (hint: it's them, not you)
🍀What nutrients you actually need to focus on (and why more veggies isn't the answer)
🍀Exactly how to feed your kids to ensure they'll get all the nutrients and energy they need (no crazy superfoods or powders required)

In this 40 Minute Masterclass you'll learn:
💚Why the current high vegetable focused information out there isn't suitable for your vegan kids
💚The nutrients you do need to focus on to keep your vegan kids healthy
💚Why energy intake is just as important for vegan kids as other nutrients
💚The 6 simple steps to follow each day to ensure your kids are getting all the nutrients and energy they need

This masterclass is already recorded, so you get lifetime access, and can watch anytime.

This masterclass is suitable for all kids of all ages from weaned to teenagers (except teenage girls who have slightly different dietary needs).

About Me:
My name is Gen, and I'm a vegan nutritionist. After having my eldest, I found the vegan nutrition information out there so overwhelming that I decided to quit my engineering job and go back and study nutrition.
These days I love helping vegan families make their vegan diet easy and healthy.

Are you ready to stop worrying about what you should be feeding your kids?